
Ruby is excited. She has just organised her wardrobe. Now you can help dress Ruby up in her favourite clothes. Ruby has a special dress code for each day. Can you help Ruby pick up the right outfits? Remember, there are many right answers.

ChoOSe thE proPer ClotHes

Paperdolls are so much fun. But they can also teach you to recognise foundational concepts of computer science. In these exercises you’ll learn about two concepts: Boolean expressions and Selection.


  • On Mondays Ruby wears green and red clothes.
  • On Tuesdays Ruby dresses up in clothes with polka dots or stripes on them.
  • On Fridays Ruby wears clothes that are not black.
  • On weekends – Now it’s your turn to decide Ruby’s dress-up rule!


  • If it’s raining, Ruby wears [POINT AT THE RIGHT CLOTHES], else she wears [POINT AT THE RIGHT CLOTHES].

  • If Ruby goes to the beach, she packs with her [POINT AT THE RIGHT CLOTHES], else she will do [COME UP WITH AN ACTIVITY] and wear [POINT AT THE RIGHT CLOTHES] .

*If it’s her birthday, Ruby wears [POINT AT THE RIGHT CLOTHES], else she wears [POINT AT THE RIGHT CLOTHES] .

More play ideas

  • Design your own paper clothes, shoes, glasses, and the like. Then come up with a rule Ruby would approve.
  • Cut and fold a closet for Ruby’s clothes. How many different ways can you sort the clothes?
  • Build a paper version of Ruby’s room.

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